Fantastic Holiday Guys is a series about the magical people in the Holiday world. The citys are Ginger City, Easterville, Elfburg, Turkey Town and the Darklands.

Ginger City is the home of the ginger bread people. They are the people controling the Christmas Train. (Christmas)
Easterville is the home of the easter bunnys. There leader, lord Easter, is the man responsible for bringing out the easter eggs. (Easter)
Elfburg is the home of Santas elfs. Here they make wrapping paper and food for Santas reindeer. (Christmas)
Turkey Town is the home of the turkeys. They are responsible for making food for the rest of the citys. (Thanksgiving)
The Darkland is the home of all of the witches, zombies, skeletons, blackelfs and all the other monsters. (Halloween)

The main characters are Ginger Boy, Young Easter and Elfling. Ginger Boy is son of the train conducter, Young Easter is the son of lord Easter, and Elfling is Santas grandson.
The main villans are Senra, a witch from the Darklands, and the blackelfs.
The main characters alies are Elfinna, general Eflans daughter, and Turko, a turkey from Turkey Town.

Young Easter had his first apperance in LFO's 2019 easter special Infinity Easter War ( He also appeared in the other easter special that year.

Planed Releases:
Fantastic Holiday Guys 1, Halloween 2020
Fantastic Holiday Guys Season 1, Christmas 2020

Last updated 22-04-2020 10:15 AM