Who/What is Lego-Fan-One

Lego-Fan-One is a youtube channel/website were you can find lots of Lego-relatet stuff. We are making reviews, speedbuilds, MOC and stop-motion films. You can find a new video almost every week.

Us leading Lego-Fan-One are two brothers. Before we even had an youtube-account, we wanted to make films with moving Lego figures. Today we know that it is called stop motion. And we love to make videos. We hope that you are enjoying them.
In the credits, you can see the names “Lego-Fan-One BB” and “Lego-Fan-One LB”. BB stands for Big Brother, and LB stands for Little Brother.

                   Picture from Lego House 2018

Our uploading schdule is:
Monday: Trailer or another video, that is not listed here.
Tuesday: MOC or review
Wednesday: Sometimes a series will run here
Thursday: Lego game or Minecraft video
Friday: "Explained" video
Weekend: Stop Motion

(Other videos (mainly Tuesday videos)  can come out on other days, but this is were you can expect them to be released)

Note: This is NOT weekly!

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVOt8dIiSYkDp5CjxRQ889w


LB's Twitch:

LB's YouTube:
The Lego-Fan-One brigde (Held by Lego-Fan-One BB)

DISCLAIMER! We do not own any copyright to the things on the website and channel.

Last Updated: 11-08-2020 6:35 PM